Sunday, February 15, 2009

Health Care.

Another moon mission.

Really, really, really interesting.

Poll is pdf, so I won't link it. You can find it at the Dkos link above.


Private Enterprise: 48%
Government - All Problems: 28%
Government - Emergencies: 12%
Don't know: 12%

Private Enterprise: 32% (-16%)
Government - All Problems: 49% (+21%)
Government - Emergencies: 10% (-2%)
Don't know: 9% (-3%)

Somehow, free market capitalist Americans support pinko commie government health care, despite all evidence that Americans are healthy and physically fit.

Allow me to be bipartisan here. I'm willing to debate anyone on whether or not the health care system is experiencing market failure, as long as same person will debate whether access to health care services is a human right. Hint: I'll win both.

The health care system is broken. Americans know this. The industry knows this, which is why they fought tooth and nail against this:

WASHINGTON — The $787 billion economic stimulus bill approved by Congress will, for the first time, provide substantial amounts of money for the federal government to compare the effectiveness of different treatments for the same illness.

Under the legislation, researchers will receive $1.1 billion to compare drugs, medical devices, surgery and other ways of treating specific conditions. The bill creates a council of up to 15 federal employees to coordinate the research and to advise President Obama and Congress on how to spend the money.

I really do worry about the costs associated with single payer, as well as how effectively the government can institute such a plan. Obviously, though, it's badly needed. I'm glad there's been a poll conducted on this, and I hope public opinion is studied more in depth on it.

Like I've said before, this is not something that can ever come from on high. Obama has consistently said that he does not support single payer. It does have its drawbacks, but I do not think these are insurmountable. Most of Washington does. I'll spell out my concerns, and my suggestions later.

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