No charges will be presented against the so-called 20th hijacker of the 9/11 attacks because he was tortured. He remains in custody at this moment solely because of your illegal policy of indefinite detention.
Also, you fucking dickless wonders,
Since 2002, 61 former detainees have committed or are suspected to have committed attacks after being released from the detention camp [at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba], Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morrell said at a briefing Tuesday.
So let me ask you something, you vile detestable pigs, what exactly have you done to prevent terrorism? Even if you assume these assholes are terrorists, and even if you don't feel obliged to follow the Constitution, you had to have known that the detention of these people would eventually be overturned. You had to have known that these people would be freed. And you mistreated them. You abused them. You tortured them. If any of these people were innocent of the charges you NEVER FILED AGAINST THEM, what did you think would happen when they got out? Wave the goddamn flag?
You engaged in actions that you knew would not be sustainable, that you knew were illegal, and that you knew would possibly lead to more violence against the United States at a later date, and still you did it. You knowingly violated the Constitution of the United States, hurt her image at home and abroad, and left her in more danger than she was at the beginning. And you motherfuckers like to throw around the word "traitor?"
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