And it's why I've been drawing all my little charts, and writing all the long posts, and explaining why infrastructure is important as it relates to economic growth...why the stimulus should revolve around infrastructure...
But none of that really fucking matters when you have retarded dildos running things.
To Sen Collins and Sen Nelson: I hope this chart counts you as quickly as possible. You fail at America.

Introductory macroeconomics helps stop this. Fuck! Woooouuullllddd you like to know whyyyy our little friend the green line is so steep? Because there's nothing but stimulus to stop it from bottoming out. The blue line and the red line had a little thing I like to call "monetary policy" to keep the recession from being so bad. Didn't have to go into debt, just had to pull the monetary policy lever and cut interest rates and things would pick up. But wouldn't you know it, we're already at 0.25%, so that shit don't work no' mo.'
So, call it what you will, a "market correction," what have you. The point is, life is going to suck for a very long time.
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